Corporate Citizenship

Thousands of Hours, Millions of Dollars

Our culture at Synchrony celebrates the diversity of our people, skills and ideas and coming together to turn ideals into action. Our core commitment of helping others, grounded in our caring value, inspires us to support each other and in turn empowers our communities through volunteer opportunities, charitable donations, and our Education as an Equalizer program.

People in a meeting
Our main areas of Corporate Citizenship include:
  • Education as an Equalizer

    Expanding access to higher education, skills training in high-growth fields and financial literacy. Read more.

  • Volunteering icon

    Volunteering both our time and skills to help improve our communities and lend a  helping hand in times of need. We provide employees with 11 hours of paid time off to make their communities better.

  • Helping icon

    Helping underserved communities gain the same financial knowledge to bridge the equity gap. Read more.

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    Supporting national community organizations that help small businesses get back on their feet.

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    Implementing new measures to protect our environment.

  • Donating icon

    Donating to organizations that help our communities. Applications are accepted by invitation only and must meet the eligibility requirements. For a list of some of our grantees, click here.

Education as an Equalizer

People participating in a meeting

At Synchrony, we believe that education has the real potential to change the trajectory of a person’s life - and even their children’s lives—with the possibility that a cycle of poverty and injustice might be broken.

That’s why we’ve created a new initiative called Education as an Equalizer, focused on helping low- and moderate-income, minority and underrepresented individuals earn a four-year college degree, attain the skills, training or certification needed for gainful employment and build a strong personal financial foundation.​

Synchrony pledges $50 million in the next five years including $20 million in grants to academic institutions, non-profits and skills credentialing organizations through the Synchrony Foundation.​


Financial Education

People participating in a class

Synchrony believes the more people know about personal finance, the better informed their financial decisions will be. Our partnerships and employee programs include:

  • Synchrony’s MONEY 360°, an ongoing program devoted to promoting savings for Synchrony employees and the communities we serve.
  • Synchrony’s Financial Education Center provides everyone valuable lessons on how to understand and manage your personal finances. 
  • Banking on Women TM, our philanthropic program providing female business owners with small business financial education classes, mentoring, and the opportunity to apply for a microenterprise loan.
  • America Saves, a multichannel media campaign managed by the nonprofit Consumer Federation of America in which Synchrony partners to encourage better financial habits for all.


America Saves is a non-profit organization that uses principles of behavioral economics and social marketing to motivate, encourage and support everyday Americans to save money, reduce debt, build wealth and create better financial habits.

Synchrony’s remarkable level of engagement during the annual America Saves Week in February helped us earn the America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence for the second year in a row. In 2020, we saw a 12% lift in new savings customers, a 14% lift in recurring transfers to Synchrony Bank savings accounts and a 25% lift of customer adding money to their account during America Saves Week.

Synchrony is one of only 12 awardees recognized for promoting automatic savings and the need to save for emergencies and unexpected expenses.

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